Angus Community Development Conference

Reid Hall Castle Street Forfar, DD8 3HX
Angus Council Vibrant Communities, in collaboration with Angus Rural Partnership*, have commissioned a programme of events for community groups and organisations.
This includes the first Angus Community Development Conference, a free event open to all community groups and organisations within Angus to share, learn and network with other delegates.
A range of speakers will showcase exemplar ideas, highlight support and funding guidance and will inspire you to take your project to the next level, whether it is getting your project off the ground or taking ownership of land or buildings that will lead to inspirational community led projects.
9:30 Arrival and Registration for workshops
10:00 Welcome
10:30 Scottish Community Development Centre – Ross Martin
10:45 Huntly Development Trust – Carolyn Powell
11:30 Development Trust Association of Scotland – Pamela Barnes
12:00 Breakout Workshops
12:45 Lunch
13:30 The National Lottery Community Fund– Neil Ritch
13:45 A local perspective
15:00 Close –Scotland Town’s Partnership, Phil Prentice
*The Angus Community Development Conference has received £5,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). This was match funded by the Angus Rural Partnership (ARP) through its Partnerships Community Development Programme (PCDP). This funding was provided to ARP as part of its allocation from the Community Led Local Development (CLLD) fund provided by Scottish Government as part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP).