Ancient woodland restoration workshop

Ancient woodland
Tuesday 7 June 2016 - 10:00 to 16:00

Braemar, Deeside

Woodland Trust Scotland, in association with Mar Estate, RDI Associates Ltd and Cairngorms National park Authority

The Woodland Trust Scotland, in association with Mar Estate, RDI Associates Ltd and the Cairngorms National Park Authority invite you to an information exchange seminar and guided site visit to discuss ancient woodland restoration in practice in Scotland.

The Woodland Trust and RDI Associates Ltd are working together to offer woodland owners support to sustainably manage and restore plantations on ancient woodland sites alongside existing woodland management objectives. We are offering free woodland assessments to identify how restoration can complement your ongoing woodland management operations and signpost potential sources of grant funding.

As many commercial plantations on ancient woodland sites are entering production, we now have a unique opportunity to help revive these struggling ancient woods – bringing a priceless part of Scotland’s heritage back to life for future generations.

Who can attend?

This event is particularly aimed at people who own or manage woods in the Cairngorms National Park and its Hinterland or the Great Glen and Three Firths area (Golspie to Moray).

What will the day cover?

With thanks to Mar Estate, Cairngorms National Park Authority and the Heritage Lottery Fund, this free event offers you the chance to investigate the potential for ancient woodland restoration working alongside commercial timber production. There will be discussions on the opportunities and challenges associated with restoration, signposting to professional guidance and funding available to support your activities and a site walk around Mar Estate to discuss opportunities for ancient woodland restoration.

To book your place visit, email or call 0845 226 2890.
