The Countryside Alliance Awards – celebrating rural Britain

Countryside Alliance Awards 2025 Get involved and support rural businesses in your community
Roderick Low

The annual Countryside Alliance Awards are now open to public nomination, and Scottish Rural Network (SRN) is urging local rural and island communities to get nominating.

The Countryside Alliance Awards, nicknamed the ‘Rural Oscars’, were borne of a need to support and promote rural communities. They celebrate people going the extra mile to ensure that rural Britain’s food and farming industry, small businesses, traditional skills, forward-thinking enterprises and, most of all, its people, can flourish.

The awards are an excellent way to promote the local businessmen and women who are working hard to keep rural Scotland thriving. Scottish produce is second to none and there are many community heroes and businesses worthy of national recognition, so please get involved and nominate today!

The Awards run across the following categories:

  1. Local Food Award
  2. Village shop/ Post Office Award
  3. Rural Enterprise Award
  4. Butcher Award
  5. Rural Pub Award

The past 18 years have seen the Countryside Alliance Awards honour thousands of businesses, highlighting the efforts that many rural people go to for the benefit of their communities. The benefits these awards afford cannot be overestimated, and those who have won tell of the positive impact their recognition has had on everyone they know as well as bringing a boost to their business.

SRN support the Awards which help celebrate the achievements of rural businesses in rural and island area. Nominations are open until 17 November and judging will then take place

winners be announced at the House of Lords in spring 2025.

You can nominate online at