
outdoor concert

Fife covers 1325km2 and has a population of 375,000, which is anticipated to decline by 7% by 2030.  The North East and South West areas of Fife are covered by the rural development programme, which encompasses coastal villages, farmland and ex-coal mining areas.

Fife Local Action Group (Fife LAG) is the steering group responsible for all decisions regarding grant awards and governance of the Fife Rural Development Fund (FRDF).  All LAG members are familiar with rural challenges, policy development and implementation, and working in partnership nationally, as well as regionally within Fife.  They each bring skills from the private, charity, voluntary, farming and business sectors and all have experience of working with rural communities and organisations.  

The FRDF themes for 2024 are:

  • Wider diversity, inclusion and equality for all people across rural Fife
  • Lowering barriers to involvement, participation and local decision-making for local people
  • Skills development for young people
  • Activities that encourage collaboration e.g. nature restoration, rural and agri-tourism
  • Capacity building in terms of time and knowledge leading to increased local opportunity and community resilience.

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