East Lothian Council

Blether Together Live - Haddington

Following the success of the 2023 Farmstrong Tour, Farmstrong is going back on the road throughout 2025….introducing “Blether Together Live”!

Planning for Change: Making the most of Whole Farm Plans

From 15 May 2025, in order to receive Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) payments, every farmer and crofter in Scotland will have to demonstrate that they have started to baseline land and livestock management practices, identified opportunities for improvement and are working towards being more sustainable, efficient and resilient.

East Lothian Agritourism Showcase

Paul MacLennan MSP and Scottish Agritourism invite you to an event showcasing support for the agritourism sector in East Lothian. The agenda will include presentations, discussion, networking and a panel session with representatives from Scottish Government, East Lothian Council, national sector body Scottish Agritourism and East Lothian agritourism business owners, who will also share their first hand experiences of starting and growing an agritourism businesses in the area.

Planning for Change: Making the most of Whole Farm Plans

From 15 May 2025, in order to receive Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) payments, every farmer and crofter in Scotland will have to demonstrate that they have started to baseline land and livestock management practices, identified opportunities for improvement and are working towards being more sustainable, efficient and resilient.

Lothian WiA: 2025 Changes to Subsidy Conditions

Join the Lothians women in agriculture group and your local consultant Mary-Jane Lawrie, at Carfrae Farm Shop to hear about the proposed changes to farm subsidies, and what you will have to do in order claim your Basic Payment Scheme from next year.

East Lothian Monitor Farm - First Meeting

The Monitor Farm Scotland initiative is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Quality Meat Scotland and AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds.

Crowdfund Scotland Workshop | Dunbar

The Crowdfund Scotland team are running a workshop on Thursday 7th November in association with their partners at LEADER.

This will be an introductory session suitable for anyone who wants to find out more about this method of fundraising and the potential uses for local projects.

Topics to be covered:

  • What is crowdfunding?

  • Introducing Crowdfund Scotland

  • What are the benefits of crowdfunding?

  • What makes a good crowdfunding project?

  • Three steps to success

Crowdfund Scotland: Tyne Esk | Train the Trainer


Interested in finding out more about crowdfunding?

Crowdfunder are running a 'train the trainer' session on Friday 1st November with their partners at Tyne Esk LEADER.

This will be an interactive session suitable for anyone who works with charities, volunteers, community groups or organisations and wants to find out more about this method of fundraising.

Crowdfund Scotland Workshop | Tyne Esk LEADER

The Crowdfund Scotland team are running a workshop on Wednesday the 31st July in association with their partners at LEADER.

This will be an introductory session suitable for anyone who wants to find out more about this method of fundraising and the potential uses for local projects, and is also a chance to meet a crowdfund coach who gives direct support on crowdfunding projects. Anyone with a project idea requiring funding is invited to attend. 

Topics to be covered:

  • What is crowdfunding?

  • Introducing Crowdfund Scotland

Crowdfunding workshop

Crowdfund Scotland and Tyne Esk LEADER are holding a workshop on crowdfunding. 

It is open to groups/third sector organisations/individuals/social enterprises/businesses from Midlothian or East Lothian with a project idea interested in finding out more.

Tyne Esk are one of the LEADER areas in Scotland in the unique position of having a dedicated Crowdfund Coach.  They wish to share the opportunity as far and wide as possible.


