Summary of Project
This project requires a partner to gain learning about charcuterie production methods and marketing and good practice from Italian or Spanish producers.
This was initially an Ayrshire LAG concept however due to unforeseen circumstances they have now had to drop their interest in the proposal. However, the concept remains sound and other LAG’s may wish to explore the feasibility of progressing this as a cooperation project with Italian or Spanish counterparts. The Scottish Rural Network can facilitate introductions if required, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
More information
1) Scope potential partner Irish/UK LAG’s with suitable meat farming producers who wish to explore this opportunity 2) Identify suitable Italian/Spanish LAG’s via European Rural Networks (facilitation/introductions can be made via SRN, WRN and Irish Network as appropriate. 3) Study visit to producers/manufacturers – develop instructional training tools for use by farms and producers seeking to diversify
What we are looking for in partners
LAG’s with meat farmers seeking to diversify/expand product range (particularly farms with retail outlet capabilities). Interest from Meleri Richards, Ceredigion LAG Wales at the event.