
Opportunities to meet world leaders and climate activists.

A further £35,000 funding from the Scottish Government will increase the reach of initiatives from ReNew the World who organise events to meet world leaders and climate activists.

Young Person's Guarantee Employer Webinar - Tourism and Hospitality

The ambition of the Young Person’s Guarantee is that within two years every young person in Scotland aged 16-24 will have the opportunity of a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training programme or volunteering.

The Rural Youth Project Manifesto, which highlights the issues facing young people and how they can be better supported, has been presented to Rural Affairs and Islands Cabinet Secretary Mairi Gougeon.

The Manifesto focuses on nine key areas: enterprise, connectivity, housing, transport, rural learning, employment, community and society, representation, and mental health.

Climate Emergency Training

Helping young people tackle climate change

With extreme weather events in the news almost daily and the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) happening in Scotland in November 2021, it has never been more important to provide opportunities for our young people to talk and learn about climate change.

Everyone with an interest in education - including parents, carers, young people, teachers and lecturers - are invited to give their views on plans to replace the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and reform Education Scotland (ES).

The consultation seeks opinions and ideas on:


How  would  you reimagine life,  the  future for  our  beautiful  country  and  for  our planet?  

Freelance creative artists and musicians who have lost work due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit will tutor primary school children across Scotland’s island communities.

Up to 50 tutors will work with primary schools to lead cultural workshops on Scotland’s indigenous languages and dialects, music, drama, dance and visual art.

Legislation which will lead to increased vital support to more than 19,400 children and young people to help their families heat their homes this winter has been laid in the Scottish Parliament.

The legislation extends the eligibility for the Child Winter Heating assistance to young people aged 16 to 18 in receipt of the enhanced daily living component of PIP (Personal Independence Payment).

Connecting Scotland is a Scottish Government programme set up to tackle digital exclusion during the coronavirus crisis.  

Phase three is now underway and aims to remove barriers related to digital exclusion for unemployed young people and adults (aged 16+). 

Funding of £10.83 million has been allocated for the remainder of this year to help improve access to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

The investment will also increase the numbers of trained professionals to support children and young people with neurodevelopmental support needs.
