Rural services

The Woolfords, Auchengray and Tarbrax Improvement Foundation (WAT IF?) has awarded its first driving lesson grant.

Residents in the area can apply for a grant of up to £250 from the development trust to help cover the costs of learning to drive.

The first grant has recently been awarded to 18-year-old Rebecca Black. She said:

Project to establish the production of brochures on themed tours

An organisation is sought to lead an initiative, ideally one easily recognised by residents and also workers across sectors in Scotland north of Perth.

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Scottish Rural Action have a number of volunteering opportunities available.

Scottish Rural Action (SRA) is a non-profit, apolitical organisation which is completely independent of Government. They are a company formed with the dual purpose of developing and organising Scotland’s Rural Parliament and supporting the development of a rural movement.

The organisation is currently seeking volunteers for a number of roles.

You can help shape the National Transport Strategy review by taking part in an online survey.

The review of the National Transport Strategy will set out an updated vision for what kind of transport we want for the whole of Scotland in 20 years’ time and how we plan to get there. It will also look at how we can successfully address the strategic challenges facing our transport network and how we can make the most of the opportunities that present themselves.

Connecting the Unconnected

Being able to access the internet can open up a whole world of opportunities, however, for many in Scotland this isn’t an option.  Those who are experiencing Digital exclusion, tend to also be experiencing other forms of exclusion or isolation.  Digital inclusion is a huge challenge - and one which needs to be faced head-on to make our homes and lives better.

A new forum to improve mental health provision and awareness in rural Scotland has been backed by Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing.

The National Rural Mental Health Forum aims to raise awareness of mental health in rural areas and brings together organisations including NFU Scotland, RSABI and the Scottish Association of Young Farmers’ Clubs (SAYFC).

The first funding round for the Scottish Government's Aspiring Communities Fund closes on 7 April 2017

The new Fund is intended to enable community bodies and third sector organisations in Scotland's most deprived communities to develop and deliver long-term local solutions that address local priorities and needs and build on the assets of local communities.

Community researchers, University of Stirling researchers and Age Scotland want to hear your views on quality of life in later years.

They are currently carrying out online surveys to gather the views of people in Scotland who are aged over 50 years.

The Consumer Futures Unit (CFU) of Citizens Advice Scotland held a 'Rural Futures' conference on 1 February 2017.

The event took place in Edinburgh. A keynote speech was delivered by the Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy and Connectivity Fergus Ewing, in which he addressed the main conference themes of fuel poverty, water supply and postal services in rural parts of Scotland.

In a follow up Q&A, delegates posed questions on a variety of subjects including wind farms and digital connectivity.
