Learning and skills

Climate 4 Change Conversation: open to all Online

Are you concerned about climate change but not sure how urgent it is and how you can make a difference? Join in for a friendly, facilitated discussion to explore these questions in a short one-off session.

Galloway Glens Scheme Grand Finale Event

The Galloway Glens Scheme is an initiative of Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Environment Team, funded by a range of partners including the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Over the last five years, the scheme has worked to ‘connect people to their heritage’, while boosting the local economy and supporting sustainable communities.

The first phase of a new initiative to identify and nurture new entrepreneurial talent has been launched.

Funding of up to £1.5 million will be delivered through the Pathways Pre-Start Fund this financial year to provide support, mentoring and advice services for people thinking about taking the first steps towards creating a start-up company. It will have a particular focus on closing the gender gap and widening participation in entrepreneurship, and is the first step to developing a pre-start network to bring more people into the entrepreneurship pipeline.

Libraries across Scotland can apply to the Public Library Improvement Fund to help finance creative projects and sustainable services.

Projects that could be supported under the £450,000 Scottish Government fund include tackling the cost of living crisis, bridging the digital divide, tackling the attainment gap for children and young people, or addressing sustainable development goals.

The Scottish Library and Information Council, administrators of the fund, will make awards in line with the aims and ambitions of its current strategy.

Researchers from The James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen are conducting surveys to understand the challenges of opportunities facing Scotland’s vast rural areas. In particular, their research focuses on localities as potential places to live, rural travel, and local food. 

Tickets for the Scottish Agritourism Conference are released for general sale today.  

Applications are also open for twenty scholarship places, which Scottish Rural Network (SRN) are funding as part of our remit to encourage innovation in agriculture and to support the delivery of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP).

A new report - 'Evidence to Support Development of a New Rural Support Scheme for Scotland: A summary of written outputs' - has been published.

The report covers twelve written separate reports. These provide evidence reviews, analysis, summaries and expert briefings on agriculture in Scotland, the purpose of which is to help shape future policy in order to deliver sustainable food production that tackles climate change and nature restoration.

Apple Days! Broadford Village Hall & Stromeferry & Achmore Village Hall

A celebration of apples! Come and learn all about varieties, growing, nurturing growth, grafting, pressing the list goes on!

There will be local growers and experts on hand to tell us all they know.

The first workshop will be at Broadford Village hall on Saturday 7th October and then it will be repeated at Achmore Village hall the following week on Saturday 14th October. Each session will run from 1pm to 4pm.

The 2023 Scottish Smallholder Festival will move to the Royal Highland Centre, signalling the importance of smallholding to the agricultural scene in Scotland.

The Farm Advisory Service (FAS) has extended warm congratulations to Joan Brown, the founder of 'Lucky Ewe', for receiving the prestigious Points of Light award from the UK Prime Minister.
