
Collaboration at landscape scale: Farmer Clusters in Scotland

Are you intrigued by the potential of collaboration at landscape scale?

Join us for this exciting online discussion about our new report and its findings - “Collaboration at landscape scale: Farmer Clusters in Scotland Project Report”. 

We will delve into the key ingredients for a successful farmer cluster, the potential barriers and solutions and the opportunities for new clusters in Scotland.

We have some brilliant speakers lined up to explore the theme:

A cooperation agreement with the French region of Brittany aims to strengthen Scotland’s position as a leader in Europe’s offshore renewables industry.

Scottish Rural Action August Member Meet Up

Join Scottish Rural Action (SRA) for another members' event, this time to meet their new member of staff, Christine, and to learn about and discuss the work they are doing to connect village halls and community spaces across rural and island Scotland. This is an informal, friendly event so do join with a cuppa!

A new group aimed at crofters in Sutherland and Caithness has been launched by the Nature Friendly Farming Network (NFFN).

Land Use and Agriculture Just Transition Community Workshop - Fort William

Please join us in a community workshop and help us shape and inform our approach to the Land Use and Agriculture Just Transition.

The Scottish Government is inviting applications for two bid-in funds: the Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund (CPAF) and the Cash-First Fund (CFF).         

The Scottish Rural Network will be supporting Scottish Government Just Transition policy colleagues with a second round of Land Use and Agriculture Just Transition Community Workshops at the end of August.  

A group of scientists have this week been collecting samples of rock from the NatureScot National Nature Reserve (NNR) as part of the NASA and European Space Agency (ESA)’s Mars Sample Return Campaign.

National Veg Summit

What would make it easier for everyone to eat more veg in a Good Food Nation?

Wellbeing Economy Secretary Neil Gray has visited a company whose commitment to fair work and sustainability helped it survive the pandemic.
