
Kelvin Valley and Falkirk are the latest Local Action Group to launch their LEADER programme.

At a packed event in Kilsyth’s Colzium House on 29 October over 70 attendees heard how the £2.8 million fund will support economic and community development in rural parts of Falkirk, North Lanarkshire and East Dumbartonshire.

Two European Interreg funding programmes are currently calling for application proposals.

Public and private organisations can submit applications to the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Programme on Innovation, Low Carbon and Resource and Materials Efficiency until 30 November.

The Programme encourages public, scientific, private and civil society organisations to cooperate with a view to improving the economic, environmental, territorial and social development of Europe's regions.  

A new website will act as a central location for information, news and resources about Participatory Budgeting in Scotland.

Participatory budgeting (PB) is recognised as a way for local people to have a direct say in how, and where, public funds can be used to address local requirements.

Different PB models exist, although it normally involves members of the community deciding through a voting process how to spend part of the budget of a public agency such as a local authority.
