
From creating homes for frogs to discovering hidden gardens in our cities, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is awarding almost £1m to projects set to bring local communities closer to nature.  

The 11 projects will help communities take an active role in managing their local green spaces and benefit from the improvements in health that come from connecting with the natural world.

The new Natural & Cultural Heritage Fund, led by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) will support projects that encourage visitors to experience more of the unique nature and culture of the Highlands & Islands. The fund is part of the next phase of the Scottish Government’s European Regional Development Fund programme, which runs through to 2023.  SNH is also managing another element of the programme – the Green Infrastructure Fund.

Great news! From today groups across Scotland can apply for Young Start funding to help young people realise their potential. Following a brief pause to refresh the programme, Young Start is back with a life-changing £18 million pounds of dormant banks account funding available for projects that involve young people in their design, running and evaluation.

The Outer Hebrides LEADER 2014-2020 Programme this year launched a unique fund, specifically designed to support Young People. The fund was delivered in partnership with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and the Bridge Community Centre.

The Scottish Government's Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) is open for applications, with a funding pot of up to £5 million available to enable locally owned renewable energy projects. 

The 2018 Scottish Rural Parliament will take place in Stranraer in Dumfries and Galloway on 14th– 16th November. If you live in or are passionate about rural areas in Scotland, you can attend to learn and make your voice heard. This year's theme is "Taking Action".

The event brings together people from rural communities with decision-makers, for three days of celebration and exploration. Participants examine a wide-range of issues affecting rural communities and make recommendations for change.

Last month the Scottish Government launched a public consultation to inform agricultural policy in a post-brexit Scotland. Proposals for a five year transition period for farming and rural support, should Scotland leave the EU, were announced by Fergus Ewing MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy.

The Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) provides grants and support for community-led organisations to tackle climate change by running projects that reduce local carbon emissions. 

Launched a decade ago, the CCF has awarded 1,097 grants totalling £101 million to 658 communities, for projects involving energy efficiency, sustainable travel, local food and resource efficiency.

Keep Scotland Beautiful manages the CCF on behalf of the Scottish Government and has staff to support applicants and those awarded grants.

On Europe Day 9 May 2018 The Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland's Place in Europe, Michael Russell MSP, announced a new £150,000 Brexit Stakeholder Engagement Fund. The fund will help ensure that a range of voices can be heard to inform the Scottish Government's position in relation to EU exit.

Mrs Hamilton from Wester Third Farm in Gartmore tells us about their farm diversification project, which received funding from Forth Valley & Lomond LEADER.
