
Projects awarded funding in most recent round of Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund.

The chosen projects have a specific focus on resource efficiency, cutting emissions, environmental performance and sustainability of agricultural holdings, and are supported by just over £170,000 of funding through the KTIF.

Allocation of next round of Croft House Grants for 2021/22.

The Croft House Grant scheme aims to retain and attract people to rural and remote communities with the latest round of funding awarding grants worth £265,922.

Farmers, crofters and land managers will be able to apply for support for conversion to and maintenance of organic land, alongside a suite of other measures aimed at promoting low carbon farming and protecting the environment.

New measures announced for a just transition to Net Zero.

Investment of £12.3 million has been awarded so far this year by Scottish Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise as part of the £100 million Green Jobs Fund and is expected to create and safeguard over 850 green jobs.

A new network for farmers and crofters to highlight and share climate change mitigation actions is to be established.

Scottish Futures Trust has published their new ‘Place Guide’

Living well locally is a key ambition of the Programme for Government.  Building the conditions to live well locally is about taking a place-based approach to needs, services and investment opportunities.

An additional £18 million will be available this year to help householders install energy efficient measures and reduce their heating bills, bringing the total support available through Home Energy Scotland to £50 million in 2021-2022.

Scotland has become the latest nation to sign up to the 4 per 1000 initiative, which aims to boost carbon storage in agricultural soils and reduce the global carbon footprint.

Fundraising Post-COVID

Effective Community Led Climate Action needs properly resourced - people, premises and outreach events.

From small-scale Community Fundraising to sharing your ideas and suggestions, join in a on learning and development oppertunity in how we can tackle climate change together.


Seven towns have been chosen to help tackle the impact of climate change and secure a just transition to net zero.
