Arts, culture and heritage

Visitor management facilities
Name of organisation/business: 
Scottish Canoe Association
Rural Communities Into Action fund (2021/22) - £48375.84

The Noss ferry has resumed service this season and NatureScot staff are looking forward to welcoming visitors back to the spectacular island, which is home to thousands of seabirds each summer.

Last summer both of NatureScot’s island reserves, Noss and the Isle of May, were closed to help protect seabirds from a devastating outbreak of avian flu.

A new evaluation estimates that a Scottish Government-funded research programme has contributed £680 million to Scotland’s economy by helping to create jobs and further education qualifications, save carbon emissions and reduce the impacts of animal diseases.

Film Screening - We The Power- The Future Of Energy is Community-Owned

Imagine upending the traditional energy system and giving the power of clean electricity production back to your neighbours.

The Power, follows friends, families and visionaries as they break down legislative barriers and take power back from big energy companies to put it in the hands of locals and strengthen their towns.

To establish a sustainable population of wildcats research published today recommends a number of actions, to work alongside releases of wildcats, for population reinforcement.

SCCAN Storyteller Collective: Podcast Skillshare

Join for a listening party and discussion of 1000 Better Stories podcast.

Share your ideas so that we can tell even better stories for change this year!

A national network of climate action hubs is being set up to support communities to take forward climate action in their areas.

The network of regional climate action hubs will support communities to come together and engage collectively on climate action, supporting the transition to low carbon and climate resilient living and driving wider behaviour change.

Film Screening - The Oil Machine - Can We Break Our Addiction?

Oil has been an invisible machine at the core of our economy and society. It now faces an uncertain future as activists and investors demand change. Is this the end of oil?

THE OIL MACHINE explores the complexities of transitioning away from oil and gas as a society and considers how quickly we can do it.

Back to the Future: What Could or Should Rural be in 2098?

In 2023, the Scottish Consortium for Rural Research (SCRR) will reach its 75th birthday. 

Two years after the Agriculture Act came into being in May 1948, urging all farmers to “make two blades of grass grow where one grew before”, food security and sovereignty were foremost in minds and policies, and the SCRR was born. 
