
More than £1 million of the Scottish Land Fund is being awarded to eight local community groups to help them take ownership of the land and buildings that matter to them.  

The idea for the trek – which is raising funds for Highlands-based rewilding charity Trees for Life – germinated three years ago while Michael was walking in the Scottish Highlands.

Young Person's Guarantee Employer Webinar - Tourism and Hospitality

The ambition of the Young Person’s Guarantee is that within two years every young person in Scotland aged 16-24 will have the opportunity of a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training programme or volunteering.

The Scottish Government will provide up to £1 million to support the pathfinders through the development phase of the programme.

Public bodies to prepare plans making good quality food accessible to all

The Good Food Nation Bill will ensure Scottish Ministers and a range of public bodies will produce good food nation plans to support social and economic wellbeing, the environment, health and economic development.

The Better Breaks programme provides grants to third sector and charitable organisations to develop and deliver short breaks and services for disabled children and young people (aged 20 and under), and their carers. 

Climate Emergency Training

Helping young people tackle climate change

With extreme weather events in the news almost daily and the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) happening in Scotland in November 2021, it has never been more important to provide opportunities for our young people to talk and learn about climate change.

The Magic Little Grants Fund provides charities and community groups that are either in their first year of operation or have an annual income under £250k the opportunity to apply for a £500 grant.


How  would  you reimagine life,  the  future for  our  beautiful  country  and  for  our planet?  

Want to put big bills out in the cold?
