Skinny Milk

Skinny Milk

Name of organisation/business: 
Dourie Farm with LEAN and the Milk Supply Association
£143,000 Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund
Scottish Rural Development Programme priority: 
Supporting agricultural and forestry businesses



Dourie Farm
Port William

The Skinny Milk Project is funded through the Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund and aims to increase efficiency in milk production. Dourie Farm in Port William has embraced the project to find new ways to improve its business performance, reducing overheads while maintaining productivity long term. To find out more about KTIF visit the Rural Payments and Services website.

You can find out about the project in our short video below, part of our SRDP on Film series.

Watch all the SRDP on Film videos

SRDP on Film: Skinny Milk Project from ScottishRuralNetwork on Vimeo.